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Land Development Projects

Safe Credit Union Convention Center
City of Sacramento, California
Manchester Pacific Gateway
San Diego, California
1133 S. Hope Street Condominiums
Los Angeles, California

Institutional Projects

Public Works Projects

Caltrans On-Call Environmental Engineering Services
Caltrans Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12



Portola Center | Developing The Undevelopable – Geotechnical Solutions for Complex Hillside Construction

Geocon is proud to be offering our geotechnical services for the 200-acre Portola Center development located in the City of Lake Forest. Our very…

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Informational Guides

Two things drive our geo-environmental business in California; the wide variety of geologic conditions and the intense interest in environmental stewardship from California’s citizens.  What are the implications of building in areas of hard rock, soft rock, saturated clays or loose sands?  What does it take to investigate or remediate a site with potential, suspected or known contamination?   Read some of the white papers prepared by Geocon staff that address some of your questions.

White Papers
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