The Hollywood Fault is an active fault that runs along the northern edge of the Los Angeles Basin. The California Geological Survey released new fault maps in July 2017 that identify areas along the Hollywood Fault. Because fault sections were added revised and removed, hundreds of billions of dollars of real estate are impacted.
As part of a study for a new three-story residential structure at 7922 Hollywood Boulevard, Geocon performed a fault rupture hazard investigation located within the new State-designated Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. The subsurface investigation consisted of closely spaced, continuous-core hollow-stem auger borings, stratigraphic analysis and correlation of primary stratigraphic units and buried soils in recovered core samples and soil stratigraphy study and relative age estimates of buried soil horizons in two recovered cores.
Interesting fact: the Alquist Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act was signed into law in 1972 requiring detailed maps of active faults, disclosure if within the fault zone and prohibits new construction without detailed geologic study.