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San Diego, California

The 3 “roots” or “principals” behind this new development are Legacy, Connectivity and Responsibility.  The site has been the home of Hanson Aggregates for the past 60 years and since mining has ceased, it is time to connect this land back to the Mira Mesa neighborhood.  Sixty percent of the 400 acres will be set aside for active and passive recreation purposes including a 25 acres community park.  Current plans include 1,800 residences of which 10 percent will be designated affordable.

Geocon first set foot on the property in 1975 to drill a 200-foot-deep boring to evaluate the quantity and quality of additional mining materials.  Since that time we have performed geotechnical investigations, tested aggregate quality and characteristics and provided testing and observation of fills placed following cessation of mining.  Mass grading of the site to convert it into the 3Roots project is about to begin.

Property One

Geotechnical Engineering
Engineering Geology
Construction Inspection

Geocon Leaders
Rod Mikesell, GE

Other Abandoned Mines Projects

San Diego, California

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