San Diego International Airport is the busiest single-runway airport in the country. To accommodate an every increasing use, the Airport Authority selected a design-build team that included Geocon to construct a parking structure as the next major improvement at San Diego International Airport. The award winning project created a building with three parking levels and approximately 3,000 parking stalls with the latest in parking technology and customer service.
The site of the San Diego International Airport was once part of San Diego River/San Diego Bay. Hydraulic fill was placed to bring the area above sea level. Geocon prepared a geotechnical investigation evaluating the alluvium and bay deposits that are both liquefiable and compressible. Final design for support of the new structure consists of precast prestressed concrete piles. Following an indicator pile program, final pile lengths were determined and provided significant savings. Geocon provided testing and observation of site grading and improvements, as well as, observation of 1,358 driven piles.
Swinerton Builders
Owner / Agency
San Diego Regional Airport Authority
Geotechnical Investigations
Construction Inspection
Geocon Leaders
Shawn Weedon, GE
2019 Int’l Parking and Mobility Excellence Award
2019 Design-Build National Award of Merit
2019 APWA Project of the Year
2018 ACEC Engineering Excellence Award
2018 SD Green Building Council
Trinity County, California
San Diego, California
Stockton, California