Caltrans in cooperation with Stanislaus Council of Governments and the City of Modesto are constructing a freeway/expressway within the City of Modesto. Geocon has prepared a Geotechnical Design and Materials Report and a Foundation Report for the proposed State Route 132 (SR-132) West Freeway/Expressway – Phase 1 project. The project is intended to improve regional and interregional circulation, relieve traffic congestion along SR-132 (Maze Boulevard), and improve operations on one of the most important east-west routes in the Central Valley. Geocon’s reports addressed seismicity, earthwork, pavement sections, retaining walls, and soundwalls, along with foundation recommendations for the four bridges in this project and two mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) retaining walls. Groundbreaking for Phase 1 occurred in October 2019.
Dokken Engineering
Owner / Agency
City of Modesto / Caltrans
Geotechnical Engineering
Engineering Geology
Geocon Leader
Jeremy Zorne, GE
Modesto, California
Oakley, California
San Diego, California