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Graton Resort & Casino
Rohnert Park, California

This new casino located in Sonoma County provides approximately 340,000 sf of Vegas style gambling on a 90 acre site.  The $825 million resort includes a casino, hotel, conference center, parking structures, water and wastewater treatment facilities, a pedestrian bridge and stormwater retention facilities.  All utilities for the property are delivered from a new 17,000 central utility plant.  In 2014 ERN California awarded the project “Best Sports/Entertainment Project”.

Geocon performed a geotechnical investigation for the casino and hotel in 2007 and continued with testing and observation during construction along with new investigations for road widenings, further casino/hotel expansions and off site utility plant.

Station Casinos

Owner / Agency
Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria

Geotechnical Engineering
Engineering Geology
Construction Inspection

Geocon Leader
Jeremy Zorne, GE

Other Recreation / Entertainment Projects
Solana Ranch Neighborhood Park

San Diego, California

Graton Resort & Casino

Rohnert Park, California

Golden 1 Center

Sacramento, California

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