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Poso Plains Property Mineral Assessment
Wasco, California

Mineral Assessment Reports are used for projecting the potential for undiscovered deposits of minerals so that land management agencies, industry and the public foresee possible future resource development.  Geocon provided environmental services for the Poso Plains property west of Wasco, prior to our client purchasing the Site for species mitigation associated with the construction of the High-Speed Rail project.

The plan is for the Poso Plain site to eventually be encumbered by a conservation easement in order to protect habitat in perpetuity. The approximate 320-acre Site is predominantly undeveloped open space and fallow agricultural land southeast of the Kern National Wildlife Refuge. Our services included a Phase I Site Assessment and a Mineral Assessment Report.  We performed the minerals assessment to assess the potential presence of economical quantities of mineral resources on or near the site and to provide an opinion regarding the likelihood that mineral rights, which are severed from the surface estate, would be exercised and mineral extraction conducted.

Vinnedge Environmental Consulting

Engineering Geology
Environmental Services

Geocon Leader
Jim Brake, PG

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