The Central Eureka Mine is a former underground hard rock gold mine that operated from 1855 until 1953. Historical structures and features at the property include a headframe, stamp mill, waste rock piles, and tailings impoundments. The City of Sutter Creek wanted to develop a public minehead park on this historic site, but understood that mine waste on the site would need to be assessed and managed to prevent visitors from being exposed to contaminants in the mine waste.
Geocon completed a Preliminary Endangerment Assessment (PEA) to assess the nature and extent of contaminants of concern in the soil and mine waste. Geocon also prepared a successful grant proposal for an EPA Brownfields cleanup grant for the property. We also were able to help the City obtain a subgrant from Department of Toxic ubstances Control’s Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund to ensure that the selected remedial alternative could be completed. During construction, Geocon performed air monitoring.
Interesting Fact: The Central Eureka Mine shaft was a total of 4,855 feet deep.
San Diego, California
Casitas Springs, California
Vacaville, California