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Land Development 06
San Diego, California

4S Ranch is a master-planned community of approximately 5,000 residential units located on 3,500 acres in northern San Diego County. Geocon was retained as the project geotechnical engineer to perform detailed investigations of each unit with follow-up testing and observation during grading. The geology of the site is complex consisting of hard rock, potentially unstable sedimentary rocks and numerous landslides and seepage conditions which required mitigation. The grading volume included several million cubic yards of earthwork and nearly a million cubic yards of slope buttressing. In addition to the development of residential lots, the project includes a water/sewage treatment plant, California Division of Safety of Dams-approved reservoir embankment, three school sites, a retail center, park sites, and several water reservoirs for which Geocon was responsible for the geotechnical engineering.

4S Kelwood

Geotechnical Engineering
Engineering Geology

Geocon Leaders
Dave Evans
Joe Vettel

“Geocon’s strength is that they’re a local company with local knowledge and quality personnel who are responsive.”

Select Land Development Projects
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