This affordable apartment complex provides 125 housing units on 1.19 acres with shared community spaces. The apartments offers permanent housing and support services for chronically homeless consisting of one five-story tower with two levels of subterranean parking and a second four-story tower above a one-story subterranean parking. Sixty eight family units are provided in one tower, ½ of which are dedicated to chronically homeless, and 57 senior living units in the second tower with half dedicated to homeless seniors. The project was awarded LEED Gold.
Geocon performed a geotechnical investigation addressing shoring and heavily load foundations, as well as, provided testing and observation during construction.
Affordable Housing and Sustainable Community (AHSC) Award
LINC Housing
Geotechnical Engineering
Environmental Services
Construction Inspection
Geocon Leader
Harry Derkalousdian, GE
City of Sacramento, California
San Diego, California
Los Angeles, California