Geocon is performing a wide variety of services including Preliminary Environmental Assessments, Removal Action Workplans, soil/soil vapor/indoor air/groundwater investigations and monitoring, and various hazardous waste studies.
Geocon is a prequalified firm with the DTSC, currently providing a variety of environmental investigation and clean-up planning services for orphan site properties in California. With 45 total projects to date, example projects include Preliminary Endangerment Assessments (PEAs) for proposed school sites on agricultural properties, an investigation of soil and groundwater at a former chrome plating shop, soil vapor assessments for dry cleaning solvent release sites, a targeted site investigation of soil and groundwater at a former lumber mill, and potentially responsible party searches for contaminant releases.
Project examples include:
- Road 28 School Site PEA, Madera
- Buena Vista School PEA, Tulare
- San Joaquin Drum Site, Bakersfield
- Goshen Carbon Tet Plume, Goshen
- Porterville MGP, Porterville
- Selma Pressure Treating Company Superfund, Selma
- Wickes Forest Industries SAP, Elmira
Interesting Fact: Until 1981, DTSC was called the Hazardous Waster Management Unit
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Environmental Services
Geocon Leader
Jim Brake, PG
Northern and Central California
Chico, California
Irwindale, California