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I-80 Auxiliary Lanes Project


Geocon is thrilled to be a part of the Interstate 80 (I-80) Auxiliary Lanes Project, helping to improve traffic flow and safety in Placer County! For this project, Geocon provided a Geotechnical Design and Materials Report (GDMR), Foundation Reports for two retaining walls, and a Foundation Report for the Linda Creek Bridge Widening. These were all part of the Placer Interstate 80 (I-80) Auxiliary Lanes Project in Placer County.

This project adds an eastbound auxiliary lane from Highway 65 to Rocklin Road and extends a fifth westbound lane from Douglas Boulevard to Riverside Avenue. These improvements will reduce congestion during peak hours, making commutes smoother and safer by enhancing capacity and reducing stop-and-go traffic. Geocon also provided construction-period assistance for retaining wall construction revision due to varying rock elevation and pile driving observations to verify pile capacity during bridge widening activities.

Shoutout to our Senior Engineer Ron Loutzenhiser for his leadership on this great project!

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