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I-580/Mountain House Parkway Interchange


Cutting-edge transportation solutions are coming to the City of Tracy, and our Geocon team is proud to have contributed to the design of this exciting progress!

The City of Tracy has approved a $42.6M contract for the construction of a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) at I-580 and Patterson Pass Road/International Parkway. This project will feature three northbound lanes on International Parkway, improving traffic flow to the neighboring 1,800-acre International Park of Commerce (known as IPC), and easing congestion in this busy corridor for both trucks and commuters. The new interchange will also include a widened I-580 overcrossing, new on/off ramps, and dedicated bicycle and pedestrian lanes.

Geocon is the Geotechnical Engineer of Record for the project, completing geotechnical investigations and two design-level Foundation Reports: one for the bridge widening and one for a significant retaining wall on the southbound I-580 onramp, as well as a comprehensive Geotechnical Design and Materials Report for the entire project.

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