Vice President, Senior Engineer
Professional Organizations

Ms. Adams began her professional career with Geocon in 2006 and is now a licensed Geotechnical Engineer. After practicing throughout Southern California, Jelisa runs the Orange County office where she is responsible for project management and technical practice. Her experience includes a wide range of projects such as commercial and residential developments, educational institutions, infrastructure, seismic upgrades and retrofits, and the installation and monitoring of geotechnical instrumentation. She has worked extensively on projects requiring deep excavation, mitigation of groundwater, soil stabilization and ground improvement, deep foundations, underpinning, and slope stability analyses. Jelisa also serves as one of the primary resources within Geocon for the latest seismic analyses requirements, including ground motion analysis for tall building design. Jelisa is passionate about geotechnical engineering and loves helping clients find creative, cost-effective solutions for projects.
Outside of work, Jelisa enjoys keeping up with her 4-year-old daughter, attending concerts and football games, and traveling.