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Iris Rapid Charging Infrastructure – Phase 1


The Iris Rapid Charging Infrastructure represents a cutting-edge solution designed to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles by offering fast and reliable charging stations for the MTS Iris Rapid Transit Center.

The Iris Rapid line runs between Otay Mesa and Imperial Beach, connecting passengers to various destinations, including the UC San Diego Blue Line. This service provides high-frequency, limited-stop routes that prioritize speed and efficiency. Unlike traditional local bus services, which may make frequent stops, this service is designed to get passengers to their destinations faster. By reducing the number of stops and increasing the frequency of buses, travel is quicker, more accessible, and more convenient for everyone.

Our team provided a geotechnical investigation for this innovative project. The project received two awards: ASCE’s Outstanding Sustainable Engineering Project, and APWA’s Project of the Year. Geocon is honored and deeply grateful to contribute to a project that paves the way for a greener future in transportation.

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