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Geocon Awarded Caltrans Hazardous Waste Site Assessment Contracts

Geocon was recently awarded five regional hazardous waste contracts totaling over $15M to support transportation infrastructure projects statewide. Since 1994, Geocon has provided the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) with statewide on-call hazardous waste site assessment and environmental contracting services.

We have completed over 1,000 task order delivery assignments with the majority of the task order assignments containing multiple sites with accelerated schedules. High profile projects have included the San Francisco Bay Area toll bridges retrofit and replacement program, Devil’s Slide Tunnel, Caldecott Tunnel fourth bore, and emergency response to the I-80/I-580 MacArthur Maze freeway collapse. Geocon has demonstrated the ability to provide safe, expedient, and competent technical consulting services to Caltrans and remains a key design team and construction support consultant and emergency response contractor for their transportation projects.

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